The School

Imagination Station Preschool & Childcare Center
The School is located at 11 North Marin St, across from the park, and diagonal from City Hall & the Fire Department.
The school consists of 2 buildings, 7 classrooms, a teachers resource room, art room, kitchen, and a large yard. The rooms are as following:
Bumble Bee Room
The Bumble Bee Room serves as the infant room for the center. Children from 6 weeks to 18 months can receive early care. The emphasis of the class is to focus on the beginning milestones from crawling, walking, early speech, and the overall nurturing care that young infants need.
Tiny Turtles Room
The Tiny Turtle Room provides care for children from 18 months to 36 months (or 3 years). This is a child care program focusing on developmental milestones such as speech, play, independence, exploration, and early potty training. Although it is not a preschool class, children do regularly partake in art projects, sensory play, and developmentally appropriate activities.
Bear Cubs Room

The Bear Cubs Room is an additional classroom for children from 18 months to 36 months (or 3 years). This is a child care program focusing on developmental milestones such as speech, play, independence, exploration, and early potty training. Although it is not a preschool class, children do regularly partake in art projects, sensory play, and developmentally appropriate activities.
Green Triangle Room

Green Triangle Classroom serves 3 year old children. It follows a preschool/daycare program with emphasis on name recognition and social skills. First exposure to Preschool Curriculum, learning how to hold and use Scissors properly. Building fine motor Skills and forming strength in fingers & good writing skills.
Red Circle Room

The Red Circle classroom serves as a transnational program for children who are turning 4 during the school year but still have another year of preschool left. Here they focus on skills that they will need as a Blue Diamond, such as expanding vocabulary, self-help skills, patterning, fine motor development, and recognition of letters.
Blue Diamond Room

The Blue Diamond Room is a Pre-K Classroom for students age 4 – 5 years old. It has an emphasis on curriculum and prepares children for Kindergarten. It’s the last school in Preschool. Socialization is most important aspect of this class, as well as Self-Help Skills, early reading and expanding Vocabulary. Its also focuses on full comprehensive understanding the Alphabets, patterns & number sequencing. It prepares the children for proper understanding of Math, Science and Language with teachers that speak Pomo and Spanish.
Silver Square Room

The Silver Square Room serves as the art and activity room for the blue diamonds and an after school child care program for school age children in the afternoon. This room is where children can craft, explore, make music, and experiment with science. In the afternoon, the school age children use it for home work assistance and activities.
The Playground

We have a large fenced in yard with an abundance of fun gross motor activities and structure to play on.
Snack Time

We provide a healthy morning and afternoon snack. Imagination Station purchases locally grown fruits and vegetables whenever possible.